Imogen Cunnigham /1883 – 1976/: Imogen and Twinka by Judy Dater, 1974 |
 Elliot Erwitt /b. 1928/: At civilian registry office ("ZAGS"), USSR |
 Margaret Bourke-White /1904-1971/: Magnitogorsk, USSR, 1931 |
 Margaret Bourke-White /1904-1971/: Red Sailor of the Autonomous Kalmyk Republic, USSR, nd but c. 1941 |
 Max Alpert /1899-1980/: Combat, 1942 |
 Dmitri Baltermants /1912-1990/: Sorrow-striken, 1942 |
 Charles C. Ebbets /1905–1978/: Lunch atop a Skyscraper, 1932 |
 Matty Zimmerman: Marilyn Monroe as The Girl at "The Seven Year Itch" movie, 1954 |
 Robert Capa /1913-1954/: Death of a Loyalist Soldier, 1936 |
 Dorothea Lange /1895-1965/: Migrant Mother, 1936 |
 Eddie Adams /1933-2004/: Nguyen Ngoc Loan executing Nguyen Van Lem, 1968 |
 Alfred Eisenstaedt /1898-1995/: The Kiss, 1945 |
 Alberto Korda /1928-2001/: Guerrillero Heroico, 1960 |
 Yevgeny Khaldei /1917-1997/: Victory Flag over the Reichstag, 1945 |
 Jeff Widener /b.1956/:Tank Man, 1989 |
 Joseph J. Rosenthal /1911-2006/: Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, 1945 |
 RIA "Novosti": Major Yuri Gagarin - Russians and the world's first spaceman, 1960 |
 Iain S. Macmillan /1938-2006/: The Beatles, Abbey Road alboum cover, 1969 |
 Neil Armstrong /b.1930/: Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, The Second man on the Moon, 1969 |
 Joe Kasstatscher: Atomic Explosion over Nagasaki, 1945 |
 Bill Anders /b.1933/: Earthrise, 1968 |
 Leonard McCombe /b.1930/: Portrait of Texas Cowboy C.H.Long aka Malboro Man, 1949 |
 Sam Shere /1904-1982/: Burning of the Hindenburg, 1937 |
 Steve McCurry /b.1950/: Afghan Girl, 1984 |
 BBC/Bergmann Pictures LTD: French nuclear test "Encelade" in the South Pacific, 1971 |
 Alexander Rodchenko /1891-1956/: Lily Brik, 1924 |
 Margaret Bourke-White /1904-1971/: World's Highest Standard of Living, 1937 |
 Alfred Eisenstaedt /1898-1995/: The Parisians, 1963 |
 Gherman Titov /1935-2000/: The First Earth View from Outer Space, 1961 |