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Army Time

Para poster.jpg
Para poster.jpg
PFC Matt Olson
PFC Matt Olson
In the Rear With the Gear - 1985.jpg
In the Rear With the Gear - 1985.jpg
Gun Team at Road Block
Gun Team at Road Block
CPL Al Wolf
CPL Al Wolf
SGT Austin Stoffel
SGT Austin Stoffel
Grenada letter to Mom-combined.jpg
Grenada letter to Mom-combined.jpg
B Co. 2nd 505th Grenada
B Co. 2nd 505th Grenada
PV2 Olson
PV2 Olson
Ft. Bliss 1984
Ft. Bliss 1984
Leonard Wood Discharge Letter
Leonard Wood Discharge Letter
B Co. 2/505 3rd Plt Grenada
B Co. 2/505 3rd Plt Grenada
82nd Pathfinders 1984.jpg
82nd Pathfinders 1984.jpg
Christmas 1983 Just Following Grenada.jpg
Christmas 1983 Just Following Grenada.jpg
B Co. 2/505th INF (ABN)
:: B Co. 2/505th INF (ABN) ::
Matt  Edsm.jpg
Matt Edsm.jpg