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Oleg Chermoshniuk | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Events tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Portraits | Places | Fauna | Flora | Events | Street Photography | Night shots | Fall 2004 | Abstract | Minimalism | Clouds | Motion | Black and white film | Fall 2007 | No particular subject - just snapshots | Watches


Gidi Gov in concert
Gidi Gov in concert
Urban Moto Music - Tel-Aviv, 2007
Urban Moto Music - Tel-Aviv, 2007
Street theater festival - Bat-Yam, August 2006
Street theater festival - Bat-Yam, August 2006
Urban Moto Music - Tel-Aviv, 2006
Urban Moto Music - Tel-Aviv, 2006
Street theater festival - Bat-Yam, August 2005
Street theater festival - Bat-Yam, August 2005
Taste of the city - Tel Aviv 2005
Taste of the city - Tel Aviv 2005
Purim carnaval in Tel-Aviv 2005
Purim carnaval in Tel-Aviv 2005
Play and Music - 2
Play and Music - 2
Street theater festival - Bat-Yam, August 2004
Street theater festival - Bat-Yam, August 2004
Rita - Live concert in Caesaria, July 2004
Rita - Live concert in Caesaria, July 2004
Gay Parade - Tel Aviv 2004
Gay Parade - Tel Aviv 2004
The taste of the city - Tel Aviv 2004
The taste of the city - Tel Aviv 2004
Love Parade - Tel Aviv 29-08-2003
Love Parade - Tel Aviv 29-08-2003
Free-Zone festival
Free-Zone festival