Most of the following photos were taken March 6-7, 2004 (photos added of a Yellow-billed found Nov. 26, 2005 in same area) in the Pace Point area on the Big Sandy Unit of the Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge in Henry Co. TN. Most are of the second Yellow-billed Loon that I had found there within just a few days, an immature bird in contrast to a 2nd winter Yellow-billed that I found on Feb. 21 and still present on March 7th, also photos of Red-throated, Pacific and Common Loons. The study of the immature Yellow-billed Loon, in overcast conditions might be of interest to those searching for their Yellow-billed Loon here in the South and Southeast. I've now added photos and ID notes of other loons taken in the area to give you a better feel for these species.