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Jeff Wilson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photos Taken June 4-5, 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Photos Taken June 4-5, 2005

Here are a few photos taken during the first weekend of the June duldroms. There is always something around but you never know what till you look, rain or shine, hot or cold, migration or not. The Wind Birds will start to return in just a little over TWO WEEKS!!
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Am. Wigeon  eclipse pl. male 6-4-05
Am. Wigeon eclipse pl. male 6-4-05
Am. Wigeon  pair - heads up
Am. Wigeon pair - heads up
Gray Rat Snake - White Lake Refuge - Dyer Co. TN
Gray Rat Snake - White Lake Refuge - Dyer Co. TN
Gray Rat Snake - White Lake Refuge 6-4-05
Gray Rat Snake - White Lake Refuge 6-4-05
Eastern Meadowlark - male singing.jpg
Eastern Meadowlark - male singing.jpg
Barred Owl sunning - 6-5-05 Tenn-Mo Levee - Dyer Co. TN
Barred Owl sunning - 6-5-05 Tenn-Mo Levee - Dyer Co. TN
Black Vulture - Black Bayou - Lake Co. 6-5-05
Black Vulture - Black Bayou - Lake Co. 6-5-05
Indigo Bunting - partially albinistic - 6-04-05 White Lake Refuge
Indigo Bunting - partially albinistic - 6-04-05 White Lake Refuge
Indigo Bunting - 6-4-05 White Lake
Indigo Bunting - 6-4-05 White Lake
Painted Bunting - Ensley Bottoms- Shelby Co. TN - 6-4-05
Painted Bunting - Ensley Bottoms- Shelby Co. TN - 6-4-05
Painted Bunting - singing
Painted Bunting - singing
Osprey - in flight - Lauderdale Co. TN
Osprey - in flight - Lauderdale Co. TN
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