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Jeff Wilson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ferruginous Hawk in Tunica Co. Mississippi > Ferruginous Hawk - MS - 12-31-04 - 1.jpg
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Ferruginous Hawk - MS - 12-31-04 - 1.jpg

When the bird was down in the grass, you could only see the gray streaked crown and nape, white over the eye and the dark line through the eye giving it a very fearsome look. I could not make out the gape in the failing light but surely thought this to be an immature Ferruginous Hawk.

Once, the bird flew out into the field and took a mouse away from a male Harrier which it gobbled down in one gulp. In flight I could not see the underwing but the extensive white at the base of the primaries extended out onto these feathers and the white based pale gray tail showed very pale bands but no real dark terminal band as on Rough-legged. The bird appeared very thick bodied. Over a short period of time, the bird was harrassed by both Harriers and Red-tailed Hawks.

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