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Jeff Wilson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Ferruginous Hawk in Tunica Co. Mississippi tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ferruginous Hawk in Tunica Co. Mississippi

In the afternoon of December 31, 2004, I found this immature Ferruginous Hawk in Tunica Co. in the northwest corner of Mississippi. This area is one of my favorite winter birding areas and is located just 20 miles south of Memphis, Tennessee. Large numbers of raptors, waterfowl, waders and Lapland Longspurs and good numbers of Western Meadowlarks can be found in this area of huge agricultural fields and catfish ponds. More photos of Ferruginous Hawks in MS-TN-AR at:
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Ferruginous Hawk - MS - 1-1-05  -8.jpg
Ferruginous Hawk - MS - 1-1-05 -8.jpg
Ferruginous Hawk - MS - 1-1-05  -6.jpg
Ferruginous Hawk - MS - 1-1-05 -6.jpg
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