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Jeff Wilson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Eagle nest with young tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Eagle nest with young

This nest is located just north of the TN State line in KY on the Mississippi River Levee. It was originally just north of its present location and has been successful over the years in producing young.
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Eagle Nest - 3-27-04  KY
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 KY
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04  KY
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 KY
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 - adult head
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 - adult head
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 - fuzzy heads
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 - fuzzy heads
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 family feud
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 family feud
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 - big brother
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 - big brother
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 feeding
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 feeding
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 feeding
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 feeding
Eagle Nest 3-27-04 feeding
Eagle Nest 3-27-04 feeding
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 tongue
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 tongue
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 triplets
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 triplets
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 triplets 3.jpg
Eagle Nest - 3-27-04 triplets 3.jpg
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