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Travis Yost | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> volvo_245_ti tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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3.2.04 Before lowering (studded tires)
3.2.04 Before lowering (studded tires)
In go the R-sport struts
In go the R-sport struts
In go the R-sport rears
In go the R-sport rears
Cut front wagon springs vs. stock wagon springs
Cut front wagon springs vs. stock wagon springs
Turbo wagon sway vs. GT sway
Turbo wagon sway vs. GT sway
And the results. Not a huge difference but nice.  R-sports are tight!
And the results. Not a huge difference but nice. R-sports are tight!
245 engine summer of 03'
245 engine summer of 03'
245 engine as of 3.2.04
245 engine as of 3.2.04
83 245 Repair List.jpg
83 245 Repair List.jpg
avatar 2.jpg
avatar 2.jpg
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