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Jeanne Newman | profile | all galleries >> sundries >> postcards_from_lodz tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
It's something of a long story, but well worth the telling. My father emigrated from Poland in 1939 escaping the Holocaust, losing about half his family. He had grown up quite wealthy and educated, very sheltered from the rapidly deteriorating situation in Central and Eastern Europe. When I was a little girl, my father would tell me stories of his beloved Poland and the city where he grew up, Lodz. He would tell me it was a city of princes and princesses, medieval towers and beautiful buildings, elegance and Old Worldliness and cobblestone streets that were made from rainbows.The image stayed with me forever. I was a junior in college and about to go to Europe to study when one day, my father and I were sitting in the kitchen having coffee and I asked him what he meant when he told me the streets in Lodz were made from rainbows. He laughed as he hadn't thought of it for quite some time and told me that this medieval city of his was a major texile manufacturing center and with the constant run-off of dyes from the factories, the cobblestones became stained in rainbow-like stripes, thus the idea he had when HE was a little boy that they must have been made from rainbows.I took a look at the gallery of sink images as a whole and all of a sudden it struck me that they looked like the rainbow streets in Lodz as I had seen them in my mind's eye...and the dimensions of the images on the page to me all looked like postcards. I will remember him always for this story, and so many more. Thanks, Daddy.
