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02-JUL-2007 Jeanne Newman

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 20-Sep-2007 01:13
Hello Catie
Guest 26-Jul-2007 17:50
How beautiful!
Ray :)19-Jul-2007 22:51
A picture of happiness!
Guest 06-Jul-2007 15:26
FrankB04-Jul-2007 15:08
Agree with everything I like the eccentric angle....V
dane04-Jul-2007 04:08
fun portrait... made me SOL (smile out loud). v
Paco López03-Jul-2007 14:19
Very good portrait!! v!
marilyn k holmberg03-Jul-2007 13:55
nice!! .. beautiful skin tones, love the bright primary colors!! :)) 'm'