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Jeanne Newman | all galleries >> celebrations >> "...and let that grow in thee, and breathe in thee and act in thee..." ~ Isaac Penington, 17th century Quaker >
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31-MAR-2007 Jeanne Newman

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Toni Moore06-Apr-2007 21:41
This is exquisite...
Guest 04-Apr-2007 02:48
A beautiful photo of a beautiful woman.
leslie pimentel-matthews02-Apr-2007 22:13
can anything more be said... wicked awesome.. leslie
Jeanne Newman02-Apr-2007 22:01
-- catie & alex
southernshots9902-Apr-2007 19:14
I agree this is a breathtaking shot. What gorgeous eyes she has. Perfect!
Guest 02-Apr-2007 15:06
EVERYTHING they said and more!
Guest 02-Apr-2007 14:26
Oh my goodness, just breathtaking!!
Maureen02-Apr-2007 12:40
Stunning portrait!
Guest 02-Apr-2007 11:41
Gorgeous Portrait she does look like someone from my Historical Romance Books...An Outstanding Capture It's Mesmerizing !
marilyn k holmberg02-Apr-2007 02:00
outstanding portrait .. very old world! 'm'
Lynda Reneau01-Apr-2007 23:50
This is perfection,agree with previous post almost looks like from another era,timeless
Christine P. Newman01-Apr-2007 21:56
She has almost the look of a someone from the middle ages. A timeless natural look. You are like a painter, Jeanne.