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Jeanne Newman | all galleries >> niches >> “The Detroit String Quartet played Brahms last night. Brahms lost.” ~ Bennett Cerf >
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Nikon D70 ,Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S DX
1/125s f/3.5 at 50.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 09-Apr-2005 00:18
Wonderful shots Jeanne! Margaret
marilyn k holmberg24-Mar-2005 00:08
what a wonderful composition!! .. awesome shot.. love the expressions on their faces!! if it was me .. you'd see pain!!!! but.. wooooo they are lovely!! 'm'
Jeanne Newman23-Mar-2005 21:03
oh, no kidding!!!!!!!!
Guest 23-Mar-2005 20:50
Oh to be so young and agile..... :)
Toni Moore23-Mar-2005 15:49
Great capture Jeanne, in spite of some twinges in my arthritis upon seeing it...Toni