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Robert Nowland | profile | all galleries >> RML Cougar 50 Years >> Trip end 07-19-19 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Trip end 07-19-19

Yesterday I arrived home, and this morning there was a little bird on the deck that possibly hit the glass. I first put an ice cream pail over it for protection, while I got gloves to move it off the deck. I that process it flew up to the upper deck rail and I was able to get more pictures before it flew away. I also checked on a little bird nesting under the top deck, and it was on the nest. I must have got within four feet before I stopped taking pictures as it was still on the nest. The car had developed some problems while away, and it was time to check and repair the problems. I pulled the spark plugs, and there were acceptable. While checking the engine I saw a vacuum line off that caused engine running problems and was the reason the tilt away stopped working. The next problem is the right rear turn signal and the problem points to the turn switch, which I found a broken return bar and a broken wire. The broken wire will wait until tomorrow when I have better light. This will be the last images here for a while until my next trip in August, you can also link to my Facebook page from the upper right on the main page, or my Cougar web site. Thanks for visiting.
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