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Project: NottaSearch

Often times, the coolest details are over looked.

Project: NottaSearch
Objective: Be the first to find the partial images hidden within the NottaPbase Domain.
Scoring: [1st] awarded 4pts; [2nd] awarded 3pts; [3rd] awarded 2pts [everyone else] awarded 1pt; (its never to late to complete a mission)
Results for Mission 1:
1) Dory (+4pts)
2) Ardielyn (+3pts)
3) Mikey (+2pts)
4) Justin (+1pt)
5) Mike A (+1pt)
Results for Mission 2:
1) Valerie (+4pts)
2) Ardielyn (+3pts)
3) c",) (+2pt)
4) Mowee (+1pt)
5) Mike A (+1pt)
Results for Mission 3:
1) Mike A (+4pts)
2) Valerie (+3pts)
3) Ardielyn (+2pts)
4) C",) (+1pt)
5) ______ (+1pt)
6) ______ (+1pt)

(It's not too late to play...
Everyone gets at least 1point for playing :)

UPDATE: I had to strip Alfden & Mikey's points cuz they sent invalid URL's...

Smiley face guy: c",) ... who are you?

Score Board:
Ardielyn - 8pts
Valerie - 7pts
Mike A - 6pts
Dory - 4pts
c",) - 3pt
Mikey - 2pts
Justin - 1pt
Mowee - 1pt

Project: NottaSearch
Mission Form
Enter Your Name

Misson No.

Original Picture URL

[] Submit
Mission Report

NottaPowered by TagBoard
Thanks for Nottaplaying :)
Mission 1:
Find the white rabbit
white rabbit

Mission 1:
Find the white rabbit

Mission 2:
Find the spotlight
spot light

Mission 2:
Find the spotlight

Mission 3:
Find the transparent penny
per cent

Mission 3:
Find the transparent penny

Mission 4:
Find the fallen penuts

Mission 4:
Find the fallen penuts