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Helen Peel | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> paintings tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Apples and Tea.jpg
Apples and Tea.jpg
Apples and Wine.jpg
Apples and Wine.jpg
Chrysanthemum Teatime.jpg
Chrysanthemum Teatime.jpg
In the Swamp.jpg
In the Swamp.jpg
Kaministiquia River - 2000.jpg
Kaministiquia River - 2000.jpg
Lake and Trees - 2017.jpg
Lake and Trees - 2017.jpg
Lake In Winter.jpg
Lake In Winter.jpg
Leaning Birch.jpg
Leaning Birch.jpg
Madonna and Child.jpg
Madonna and Child.jpg
Morning Lake.jpg
Morning Lake.jpg
Path after the Rain.jpg
Path after the Rain.jpg
Peppermill and Coal Scuttle.jpg
Peppermill and Coal Scuttle.jpg
Road to the Mountains.jpg
Road to the Mountains.jpg
Secluded Lake.jpg
Secluded Lake.jpg
Snow-topped Mountains.jpg
Snow-topped Mountains.jpg
Squaw Bay - 1960.jpg
Squaw Bay - 1960.jpg
The Road to the Church.jpg
The Road to the Church.jpg
Waterfall - 1997.jpg
Waterfall - 1997.jpg
Wilderness River - 1972.jpg
Wilderness River - 1972.jpg