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22nd July 2006 © neil hanson

Poppy Head Drip


We were supposed to be in London today for my nephew's party, but Amy has come down with chicken pox.
So a day at home and a big storm.....

Bit of a tricky set-up, this is the closest I could get! Tiny little drop and had to reach round and hold the budlea behind, a lot of cam shake with f8, even on a tipod!
Oh yes I also balanced a reflector on my knee (whilst doing a hand-stand!!)

:::: Drip Drop ::::

Also went for a walk with ZOE

all images © neil hanson: unauthorised use of images without expressed written permission is prohibited

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Guest 27-Jul-2006 10:40
Great angle - well done on the gymnastics! Is that Amy in the drop? Hope she's feeling better soon.
Guest 26-Jul-2006 22:51
Great commentary:-))) Hope amy recovers
Buz Kiefer23-Jul-2006 12:09
Good job.
Linda Alstead22-Jul-2006 19:55
well worth the effort
Nicki Thurgar22-Jul-2006 18:48
LOL, amazing how PAD turns you into a contortionist!
Fantastic clarity in that drop & great lilac bg.
Chicken pox is doing the rounds... hope Amy isn't too badly spotty!
Guest 22-Jul-2006 18:26
Beautiful. Vote