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World Rendezvous - Past & Present


Info you have and any of your pix wanted for all past Rendezvous.

Images and information wanted and welcome for . . .

Newport 2008 Rendezvous

Kingston 2002 Rendezvous

New York 2000 Rendezvous - have nothing

East Greenwich 1995 Rendezvous - have nothing

Newport 1991 Rendezvous - have nothing

Toronto 1985 Rendezvous - getting from my Club's records, more welcome

Edgartown 1983 Rendezvous - have nothing

Lost all 2004 and prior materials, info, and pix when basement flooded in spring 2006 so any and all help will be valuable and appreciated.

Kingston 2010 Rendezvous - July 11 to 17 - 90 crew & 37 boats
:: Kingston 2010 Rendezvous - July 11 to 17 - 90 crew & 37 boats ::
Newport 2008 Rendezvous - 44 boats . . . 24 competing
:: Newport 2008 Rendezvous - 44 boats . . . 24 competing ::
Toronto 2006 Rendezvous - 43 boats . . . 13 competing
:: Toronto 2006 Rendezvous - 43 boats . . . 13 competing ::
Boston 2004 Rendezvous - 45 boats . . . 18 competing
:: Boston 2004 Rendezvous - 45 boats . . . 18 competing ::
Kingston 2002 - World Rendezvous - 34 boats . . . 10 competing
:: Kingston 2002 - World Rendezvous - 34 boats . . . 10 competing ::
Toronto 1997 Rendezvous - 45 boats . . . 21 boats competing
:: Toronto 1997 Rendezvous - 45 boats . . . 21 boats competing ::
Kingston 1993 Rendezvous - 80+ attending . . . 50+ competing
:: Kingston 1993 Rendezvous - 80+ attending . . . 50+ competing ::
Kingston 1989 Rendezvous - 100+ boats . . . 70+ competing
:: Kingston 1989 Rendezvous - 100+ boats . . . 70+ competing ::
Padanam-Block Island-Newport 1987 Rendezvous - 100+ boats . . . 70+ competing
:: Padanam-Block Island-Newport 1987 Rendezvous - 100+ boats . . . 70+ competing ::
Toronto 1985 Rendezvous - 100+ boats . . . 70+ boats competing
:: Toronto 1985 Rendezvous - 100+ boats . . . 70+ boats competing ::
Toronto 1985 Rendezvous
Toronto 1985 Rendezvous