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Narragansett '09 Sail-In - Sep 11-13


The shared Nonsuch fun will take place at East Greenwich YC on Saturday the 12th.

Boats are welcome to arrive on Friday, Sep. 11th.

All must pre-register for event and mooring or dock with Bob or Donna Todd at . . . - or - 978.996.2202 - or - 781.377.5136

Event fee $ 20 per boat. Moorings $35 per night and docks $3.50 per foot.

Contact EGYC on VHF 9 upon arrival for your mooring/dock assignment.

* * * * *

CAT CRAWL (moveable feast & party on the boats!) will begin at 1300 on Saturday and will run until whenever.

Here's how it works . . .

Crews volunteer their boat as a HOST CAT. ALL begin visiting any HOST CAT on the docks and then proceed to LAZYBONES in the mooring field for snacks & beverages and launch ride from HOST-CAT to HOST-CAT toward other end of the mooring field to SPACECAT for dessert. Each HOST-CAT will serve nibbly things and beverages.

There will be no cost involved other than the event fee, mooring/dockage, and whatever folks want to spend on food and drink for the crawl. Crews can pool their resources and co-host on another member's boat.

1st, 2nd, 3rd Prizes for Best Tasting, Best Presentation, etc.

Bob & Donna Todd - Co-Fleet Captains
Bob & Donna Todd - Co-Fleet Captains
Jim & Sharon Ward - EGYC hosts
Jim & Sharon Ward - EGYC hosts
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