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Nonsuch Photo Galleries | profile | all galleries >> Fleets >> North East (227 boats) >> Coecles Harbor 2009 Cruise & Rendezvous - Aug. 21-23 - 22 from 11 boats tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Coecles Harbor 2009 Cruise & Rendezvous - Aug. 21-23 - 22 from 11 boats


Come by land or come by sea . . . it's really YOU we want to see !

* * * * *

MUST confirm your reservation & mooring for this event with :

Richard Codd ORIANA 26C 159
Perth Amboy NJ . Raritan YC
Hudson & Jersey Shores Fleet
Old Saybrook CT . North Cove
East-Long Island Sound Fleet

cel. 917.642.6954
wrk. 718.355.7228

- OR -

rcodd @

* * * * *

Event fee : $20

Moorings : $ 1.50 per foot / night

PICK UP any mooring with a "T" on it and/or call Dockmaster Carla on CH 9


1000 hrs CRUISE
- crews can join in the "DIY" Competitive Cruises on Saturday
- CENTRAL START . . . from between Bell R"8" & RG N "E" off the CT River
- EAST START . . . from New London Ledge Light . . . into Gardiner's Bay to green marker "G1" off the entrance to Coecles Harbor
- WEST START . . . off Guilford CT
- start when you please between 1000-1100 hrs, report actual start time to Rendezvous Committee by radio or cel phone
- or just Sail-In Friday afternoon or anytime . . . day or evening . . . on Saturday.

1218 hrs Coecles HIGH tide

1700 hrs SOCIAL - Raft Up Cocktail Party

1830 hrs ALL MOORED - Coecles Harbor Marina (moorings reserved for North East Nonsuch),+shelter+island,+ny&spn=0.176320,0.314415&num=10&start=0&hl=en

1841 hrs Coecles LOW tide

1900 hrs B.Y.O. DINNER - "Pot Luck" barbecue ashore at Coecles Harbor Marina

. . . ALL led by marina owner John Needham who has worked on and is a Nonsuch fan . . .

0900 hrs TOUR of Coecles Harbor Marine, partners with Billy Joel in their spectacular 38' Runabout/Picnic Boat

1000 hrs SEMINAR - "Diesel Engines, Boat Systems, & Spares"

1100 hrs FAIRWELLS & all head for home

1307 hrs Coecles LOW tide


Attending: 18 from 9 boats
Jim Avery + 1 crew - LUFF AFFAIR 26C 30573 /4 - New London CT
Richard Codd & Nora Shepard - ORIANA 26C 159 - Perth Amboy NJ
Arthur Langley & Linda Gray - BEAR AWAY 30C - /54 - Cumberland ME
Knobby LaRochelle & Helene Stein - SUMMER LOVE 30C 186 - Essex CT
Allen & Roseann Michelson - PIPE DREAM 36 24 - Greenport NY
Michael Passero + 1 crew - BORN TO RUN 33 42 - New London CT
Fritz & Linda Reilly - GRAPPA 36 31 - Greenport NY
Richard & Candace Renfro - SUCH FUN 30U 381 -
Richard & Betty Spearrin - PELICAN 26C 109 - Essex CT

Maybe : 4 from 2 boats
Steve Bosco + ? - STRAY CAT 30C 210 -
Dan & Lorina Ferrier - STRAY CAT 30U 50778 /377 - Old Saybrook CT

Regrets & Regards to all :
Allen & Judy Ames - SESAME DS 31 -
John & Lyn Behne - KITTY HAWK 26C 42929 /175 - Niantic CT
Marc Beroz & Karen Fiske - STRAY CAT 26C 111 - Clinton CT
Ken & Ginny Bitting - COSMOS 33 60 - Mystic CT
Bevan & Barbara Crighton - MONTROSE 30U 301 - New London CT
Fred & Nan Endemann - CATFISH 30U 504 - Cutchogue NY
Michel & Amy Fortin - PRO RE NATA 30U 462 - Guilford CT
Rick & Linda Kohut - CRACKER JACK 36 2 - Greenport CT
Jack Koucky - CATBIRD 26C 176 - Mystic CT
Jack Leary - CERULEAN 26U 210 - Mystic CT
John & Franke Matthesen - KITTY HAWK 26C 166 - Ninatic CT
Pat Meyer - CATBIRD 26C 176 - Noank CT
George & Kate Prior - IRISH MIST 33 6 - Mystic CT
John & Maria Rooney - BLITHE SPIRIT II 30U 351 - Mystic CT

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