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How to add YOUR photos & info. . .


The truth is that most boat owners have very few pictures of their boat under sail or even away from their mooring or dock. It IS hard to photograph your own boat from your own boat!

If you have photos of other Nonsuch boats and crews, please send them along. We'll add them to a boat's existing gallery or create a new gallery for that boat and YOU will be given credits for all the photos you submit. When others do the same for YOUR boat you will benefit in a similar manner. :)


If you wish to send 5 or fewer photos . . .

800 x 600 pixels is ideal but if these numbers mean 'little or nothing' to you, just e-mail your photos as attachments. :)

For more than 5 photos or if you have older photos you want scanned, please make contact by e-mail first.

Please ALWAYS send along captions for EACH photo . . . with boat name(s) or crew name(s), location/event/date info, and NAME(s) of photographer(s).

* * * * *


Boat name(s) always in CAPITAL LETTERS please and please ALWAYS then follow with model, then sail number, and then year built. Look through the galleries and you will see the REQUIRED format.

Please also include your boat's hailing port (where you moor her) followed by the name of the actual facility/location . . . that's where she normally moors and from where you sail her.

Please have some consideration and remember there isn't a 'staff' ANYWHERE, let alone 'here' . . . and any who are doing the work loading YOUR info and photos are volunteers. PLEASE do not assume there is time or willingness to edit or re-type even one letter of whatever you send to correct it to fit the REQUIRED format. YOU do your part properly and YOUR pix WILL appear.

PLEASE do not assume that your boat informations are 'known'.

You assuming either of the two foregoing points would make for needless extra work and typing when preparing to load YOUR info and YOUR photos. That AIN'T going to happen! Failure to do as requested will very likely result in YOUR submission of photos and info being ignored.

"That's close enough to what's asked" not good enough if you want your info and your photo(s) posted. Thanks.

Please also leave out needless N or NS notations.

Web search these if you like, they do not mean Nonsuch. N (followed by the length number) has LONG indicated boats made by Newport Yachts and several by Norlin Yachts so using it is incorrect . . . unless you actually own and sail a Newport or Norlin Yacht! NS actually IS an abbreviation for North Sails, for Nova Scotia, and is even part of product ID codes for some Brother, SONY, and Yamaha product models . . . but not for any sailboats !

We ARE dealing with NONSUCH here, after all, so what KIND of boat are we likely referring to unless otherwise anotated ? ! ? :)

And here is no less an authority than Hinterhoeller Yachts "N" code for the boats they built . . .
N1 - 22
N2 - 26
N3 - 30
N4 - 36
N5 - 33
N26 - 260
N31 - 324
N50 - 354

No needless # 'clutter' in front of the sail number either please as it is assumed Nonsuch sailors, like other people, know a number when they see one.

If you have questions or wish to e-mail your 5 or fewer photo submission(s), please send to:

Great Lakes Fleets
- Arthur Langley - BEAR AWAY - /14
- arthur_langley @ hotmail . com
- Toronto ON
- 647.477.

Atlantic Canada Fleet

North East Fleets
- Arthur Langley - BEAR AWAY 30C 54
- arthur_langley @ hotmail . com
- Brunswick ME
- 207.459.6410 / 207.449.1980

North West Fleet
- Mike Callendar - KATIKA 22 3
- mhc @ gi-wireless . net
- South Pender BC
- 250.629.6595

Northern California Fleet
- John Foster - BLUEBERRY 22 48
- adjuvantjfoster @ gmail . com
- Alameda CA
- 510.681.4927

A volunteer "photo & info loader" from any Fleet is welcome at any time.

Recommend YOU have your hard copy photos scanned locally and send along the digital copies by e-mail (max. 5) or on a disc.

Though not preferred, hard copies of photos can be scanned and loaded. Will try to return the photos in the condition received but cannot be responsible for any photos sent in for the Galleries.

ALWAYS WELCOME - digital or hard copy photos with people's names and captions for past World Rendezvous . . .
Edgartown '83
Toronto '85
Padanaram-Block Island-Newport '87
Kingston-Prinyers-Kingston '89
Newport-Block Island-Newport '91
Kingston-Sacketts Harbor-Kingston '93
East Greenwich-Fall River-East Greenwich '95
Toronto '97
New York '00

Ditto for photos from any past regional Rendezvous or other past Nonsuch events . . . afloat or ashore.

ALWAYS WELCOME - digital or hard copy photos with captions of YOUR gatherings of 2 or more crews . . . afloat or ashore

If you have photos you want to mail on a disc or send as hard copies, please contact the appropriate contact listed above.

Thank you :)


Controversial and/or unverifiable comments in any gallery will be deleted when found and even may result in a gallery being deleted.

N22 & NS 22
:: N22 & NS 22 ::
N26 & NS26
:: N26 & NS26 ::
:: N30 ::
:: N33 ::
:: NS30 ::
:: NS33 ::
N36 & NS36
:: N36 & NS36 ::
:: NS ::
U 30
:: U 30 ::
sail boat named after the NONSUCH . . . NONSUCH  30  KC1 /2 . . . 1978
sail boat named after the NONSUCH . . . NONSUCH 30 KC1 /2 . . . 1978