John Scurlock | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Glaciers of the North Cascades | tree view | thumbnails | slideshow |
This gallery contains aerial images of many of the glaciers in the North Cascades;
it includes Mt. Baker, extending south to the Glacier Peak region.
The images have been selected from more than 4000 photographs taken primarily
in the fall of 2005, but also including images from fall 2004 & 2003.
The photography is dependent on late-season snow-free conditions so that ice margins will be visible.
It should be pointed out that 2005 was one of the lowest snow-pack years on record in the North Cascades,
creating an ideal situation for glacier photography. The last date of glacier photography
in 2005 before the onset of major winter snow in the North Cascades was October 27.
Glaciers are organized into geographic sub-galleries as seen below. This is somewhat arbitrary,
and I welcome suggestions & input on possible improvements.
Glaciers are identified, where possible, with IGNC numbers for reference.
The numbers are in the following format: X*** - Y*, where X identifies the drainage and Y identifies
the glacier within that drainage. For reference see:
Inventory of Glaciers in the North Cascades, Washington. (Geological Survey Professional Paper 705-A,
Austin Post, Don Richardson, Wendell V. Tangborn, and F. L. Rosselot, 1971)
Please direct all questions about the images, their usage, and the glacier photograph collection
to my email address:
I wish to sincerely thank the following persons for their generous help and support:
Dr. Andrew G. Fountain, Associate Professor of Geography & Geology
Department of Geology, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
Jon Reidel, Geologist, North Cascades National Park, Marblemount, Washington
Kelly Bush & Russ Dalton, North Cascades National Park, Marblemount, Washington
For more information on Dr. Fountain's glacier research, please visit these outstanding websites:
Dr. Andrew Fountain
and Glaciers Of The American West
Full-resolution color prints are available by request.
All Images Copyright 2004/2016, John Scurlock, Photographer & Pilot.