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Old Family Fun Gallery's

Atlantic Beach in November
:: Atlantic Beach in November ::
Snoopy takes Alpine Tower
:: Snoopy takes Alpine Tower ::
Karen Blows Glass
:: Karen Blows Glass ::
Octoberfest Morris Style or shall we say... 10 hours of German Beer
:: Octoberfest Morris Style or shall we say... 10 hours of German Beer ::
Washington DC road trip
:: Washington DC road trip ::
Spirit of Peoria booze cruise...
:: Spirit of Peoria booze cruise... ::
Heart of Illinois Classic Auto Show 20JUL08
:: Heart of Illinois Classic Auto Show 20JUL08 ::
Oktoberfest w/Jay 08
:: Oktoberfest w/Jay 08 ::
Disney Trip 2009
:: Disney Trip 2009 ::
Grandma Longs House
:: Grandma Longs House ::
Kill Devil Hills, NC
:: Kill Devil Hills, NC ::