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View of Stevens Canyon from Faraway Rock. And, yes getting to Faraway Rock was a steep climb.

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Pierre11-Dec-2022 15:08
Une image formidable de ce magnifique canyon sur ce joli cadrage! V
Don11-Dec-2022 05:43
A fine variation from looking up at the mountain. You might be fit - or at least fitter than before you undertook this climb.
Johnny JAG10-Dec-2022 19:53
Just WOW!
bill friedlander10-Dec-2022 15:56
A great view through the valley to the distant mountains. V
Jeff Real10-Dec-2022 13:51
Your efforts were rewarded with a magnificent view!
What a grand image!
The depth is so engaging with the viewer!
Neil Marcus10-Dec-2022 12:02
I also ask... Did you hike up here?
Gill Kopy10-Dec-2022 06:16
You climed up there ?? You must have good knees :) But, what a view - fabulous. V
globalgadabout10-Dec-2022 05:54
an exhilarating view...well done for the climb..
joseantonio10-Dec-2022 04:27
what an amazing view.V.
Carl Carbone10-Dec-2022 03:45
Breathtaking, figuratively and literally!
Helen Betts10-Dec-2022 01:32
Great shot of this dizzying view. I can only imagine what it took to get up there.
larose forest photos10-Dec-2022 01:32
What a view! What a landscape! I can imagine the climb to the top! How long did it take I wonder? Superb photography. V
Kevin D Warren10-Dec-2022 01:00
Jagged rocks, a triangle of trees and a gorgeous view through the notch to misty mountains. I am inspired.
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