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yellow pond lily

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Don13-Aug-2019 22:17
With large, deep green leaves and that delightful touch of yellow along with dark water and shaded forest in background, this offers strong hints of tropical mystery.
Irene Wehrli30-Jul-2019 09:47
It reminds me of a yellow pearl in an open oyster...
Beautifully done, Nirvan!
Kevin Warren26-Jul-2019 00:50
Magnificent in every way, fine work.
janescottcumming26-Jul-2019 00:03
That's a huge lily. A very pretty scene.
danad25-Jul-2019 17:07
A beautiful composition ! V.
Marcia Rules25-Jul-2019 13:16
The framing is stellar, Nirvan ~ VV
Patricia Kay25-Jul-2019 11:44
A beautiful composition and such huge leaves from this pond lily Nirvan...🤩💜🤩💜🤩
Pierre25-Jul-2019 11:32
Tout simplement magnifique cet ensemble imposant de feuilles de nénuphar, une très belle présentation! V
Tom LeRoy25-Jul-2019 11:05
The low POV is really spectacular. A lovely scene! V
larose forest photos25-Jul-2019 03:49
Another of your glorious shots, this one particularly eye-catching with the single yellow water lily against the greens. V
Gill Kopy25-Jul-2019 03:01
Wow - "what big leaves you have" :) Lovely with the reflections. V
John24-Jul-2019 23:29
This is quite unusual. The size of the lily I mean. Beautiful and beautiful done too. V
Jeff Real24-Jul-2019 22:21
You have created a visual that is completely fascinating here!
bill friedlander24-Jul-2019 21:45
Nice deep greens and lovely reflections. The lily is icing on the cake. V
Helen Betts24-Jul-2019 20:55
Such a beautiful capture of this striking lily, in a great setting.
Jean Chiasson24-Jul-2019 19:10
Very nice cpmp V
joseantonio24-Jul-2019 18:38
love those reflections.V.
globalgadabout24-Jul-2019 17:28
a lovely scene...the lily fairly glows amid the rich green hues..
Ton T.24-Jul-2019 17:10
Superbly composed and beautiful tones and reflections! V
Neil Marcus24-Jul-2019 16:46
The bright touch of warm yellow and soft reflections are pretty. I like the use of the panorama format."V"
Jim Coffman24-Jul-2019 16:42
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