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the mountain from Mazama Ridge

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fotabug15-Sep-2016 05:11
Wow, what a fine image! V
Tom LeRoy13-Sep-2016 17:43
A postcard perfect image of Mt. Rainier and the lush meadow. Breathtaking ! V
bill friedlander13-Sep-2016 16:00
A beautiful composition of this fairyland. Amazing clarity all the way through. V
Bill Miller13-Sep-2016 15:45
That is such a beautiful wildflower meadow.
Helen Betts13-Sep-2016 15:14
Just gorgeous, Nirvan, with the many wildflowers adding color and life to this breathtaking mountain scene.
Don13-Sep-2016 07:45
The mountain looms ominpresent over this colourful wildflower field.
Ursula Miller13-Sep-2016 05:50
Fantastic...! V
joseantonio13-Sep-2016 04:09
perfect capture of this lovely scene. Wish I were there.V
larose forest photos13-Sep-2016 01:53
Spectacular landscape! The wildflower meadow is sheer joy to behold, even more so with that mountain behind. Superb shot. V
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