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Nirvan Hope | all galleries >> Galleries >> March and April Misc 2016 > 24
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another mossy rainforest creek

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cmarsh04-Jun-2016 17:21
Nicely composed and beautifully lit.
globalgadabout19-Apr-2016 15:12
strong comp of an attractive scene...the stream seems in full spate...V
fotabug17-Apr-2016 19:25
Oh wow, this is so beautiful! V
Don16-Apr-2016 07:55
Ton T.15-Apr-2016 17:04
Great composition and peaceful mood!! V+
bill friedlander13-Apr-2016 16:57
Lovely composition with the rocks at the bottom left making a nice curve. The moss adds a nice soft feel to the image. V
Helen Betts13-Apr-2016 16:46
Such a beautiful, refreshing scene! I like how the moss looks almost luminous in particular.
joseantonio13-Apr-2016 16:22
Love these places where you can escape for a while and enjoy these pleasant and lovely scenes.V
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