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Nikon Mama - Birgitte Ott | all galleries >> Nature >> Outdoor > .
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Mřn - Denmark

Panasonic FZ18

other sizes: small medium original auto
Zoltán Balogh05-Jun-2009 15:11
Wow Birgitte, this image is beautiful! V
Cedric Sims19-May-2009 20:52
Nice Light!
globalgadabout17-May-2009 21:56
Alain Boussac10-May-2009 16:51
Brilliant and delicate. Great composition and DOF too. BV.
Dek Grant07-May-2009 22:32
stunning shot - very well captured.
bill friedlander20-Mar-2009 19:24
Lovely composition and like. I like how the shape of the fluff ball is repeated in a circular pattern. V
BrigitteKrede17-Feb-2009 16:02
very nice capture i like the light through the have to continue in this way...bravo VVV
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