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Nikon D300
1/2s f/4.0 at 16.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Jean D27-May-2009 02:31
Well presented, as well as an eye catcher, Birgitte! ~V~
CM Kwan26-May-2009 13:10
It's really outstanding, Birgitte! V
Wenche Aune26-May-2009 11:21
Cool shot... very nice B&W. V
Gerard Koehl26-May-2009 04:47
Excellent... V
Walter Otto Koenig26-May-2009 01:38
Very cool shot of these triplets. The tilt is just perfect. Excellent work. "V"
Guest 26-May-2009 00:37
Very good eye, nice repetition and pattern image!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography25-May-2009 22:31
Wow! Excellent work, Voted !
Marcia Rules25-May-2009 21:50
excellent, cosmopolitan appeal! great graphics with the tilt...v
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