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01-FEB-2009 Birgitte Ott


About 70 million years ago, Denmark was covered by a warm shallow sea
where sea creatures lived and died.

Nikon D300
10s f/11.0 at 105.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Nikon Mama - Birgitte Ott16-Feb-2009 18:21
Pam - 70 million years ago was when microscopic sea creatures - called cocoliths - form the chalk layers when their dead bodies fell to the sea floor and accumulated. The chalk cliffs were exposed by the glaciers during the last ice age and were under water until 'only' 12,000 years ago :o)
Thank you very much for your kind comments!
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo16-Feb-2009 00:00
All the fossils shot are nice but this one stands out. The exposure is good with very little loss of detail. The visible warm-colored backdrop helps defile the edge of the fossil and adds a bit of depth to the shot. Very nicely one Birgitte!

The 70 million years is incomprehensible, the island I live on is a mere 3-4 million years old.
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