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Nikon Mama - Birgitte Ott | all galleries >> Miscellaneous >> In The Dark > Eclipse of the sun
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01-AUG-2008 Birgitte Ott

Eclipse of the sun

Eclipse of the sun
Møn - Denmark

Nikon D300
1/100s f/5.6 at 200.0mm iso200 special made filter full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 15-May-2009 15:42
Excellent treatment, original with a striking result!!
Egernhaven07-Mar-2009 23:40
Det er mig her under jeg skrev først med goole oversæt så står der bare Guess
Ann10-Aug-2008 06:33
Brilliant shot Birgitte, so bright.
Guest 03-Aug-2008 12:37
Wow what color! Terrific shot.
DB Hans03-Aug-2008 08:26
I like it, as mentioned it is different and interesting.
Bea.03-Aug-2008 03:23
You did extremely well. Good thinking.
Rev. Kelly Todd03-Aug-2008 03:06
Birgitte, creativity got you te shot! well done.
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo03-Aug-2008 00:43
You used a very creative technique to get the shot. Good thinking! Nice white on red effect from the negative.
Guest 02-Aug-2008 23:19
It's different ;-)
Ruth Voorhis02-Aug-2008 22:13
Intriguing, so red! Creative and different.:-)
Barry Ailetcher02-Aug-2008 21:37
Wow this is a real neat image wish we cound ofseen it inthe USA
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