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nicolebouglouan | profile | all galleries >> Birding in Spain - Extremadura and Monfragüe Park - Aragon - Navarra - Doñana - Villafáfila... Trip reports >> HOCES DEL RÍO DURATÓN - Castilla y León - September 2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

HOCES DEL RÍO DURATÓN - Castilla y León - September 2010

The natural park of “Las Hoces del Río Duratón” located in the Castilla y León region, Spain, is a beautiful protected area where the Eurasian Griffon Vultures can live and breed.
This area is a long canyon with cliffs of about 100 metres height. At the bottom, the Duratón River runs between these rocky walls, giving this place its spectacular appearance.
There are different biotopes, involving the presence of a rich fauna, from the bottom to the cliffs’ top. We can find rupestrine vegetation, but also several trees’ species according to the elevation and the soil.

The Eurasian Griffon Vulture is the main species of the park, but the Western Jackdaw, the Red-billed Chough and the Blue Rock Thrush share the cliffs, whereas other species such as the less common Dupont’s Lark, and the usual Crested Lark and Corn Bunting are visible in the arid areas with scattered bushes and scrubs.
Several raptors live in the park, according to the season. The Golden Eagle and the Peregrine Falcon are both inhabitants of these rocky areas.

The typical track to the San Frutos hermitage leads to the best view of the park.

gallery: BIRDS