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nicolebouglouan | profile | all galleries >> Birding in Spain - Extremadura and Monfragüe Park - Aragon - Navarra - Doñana - Villafáfila... Trip reports >> Going through Villafáfila - Castile y León - Spain - June 2012 >> WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL - MOTACILLA FLAVA IBERIAE - BERGERONNETTE PRINTANIERE tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


This wagtail is the subspecies "iberiae" which breeds in Spain, SW France and NW Africa.
The male has white chin and throat, not yellow like nominate race "flava".
The female has darker cheeks and whiter chin.
Here we can see the male assiting the female.
She is collecting nest materials, probably wool from sheeps.

Western Yellow Wagtail male guarding female
Western Yellow Wagtail male guarding female
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
Western Yellow Wagtail
Western Yellow Wagtail
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL female collecting nest materials
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL male guarding female
WESTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL male guarding female