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nicolebouglouan | profile | all galleries >> Birding in Spain - Extremadura and Monfragüe Park - Aragon - Navarra - Doñana - Villafáfila... Trip reports >> Birding in Extremadura and Monfragüe Park - November 2008 >> MONFRAGUE PARK: the gem of Extremadura tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

MONFRAGUE PARK: the gem of Extremadura

Tagus River
Tagus River
El Salto del Gitano
El Salto del Gitano
Tagus River
Tagus River
Tagus River
Tagus River
Tagus River
Tagus River
Monfragüe Park
Monfragüe Park
Portilla del Tietar
Portilla del Tietar