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Nicki Thurgar | all galleries >> themes >> thursday_pad_challenges > 8 November - TITC: Graffiti/poster art
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8 November - TITC: Graffiti/poster art

COULD I find any graffiti in my area?!!! The Council must work hard around here to remove it too quickly!! ;o)

Resorted to snapping this out of the car window on my way to the gym!!
Processed it to try & bring out the scratched graffit on the bus shelter!

Others finding graffit (or making their own!!) are in the forum here

My previous Thursday Challenges can be viewed here

Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ3
1/25s f/4.7 at 18.4mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Greg Harp11-Nov-2007 16:40
:) Nicely done.
Carole Stevens10-Nov-2007 12:31
Great drive-by shooting Nicky, this has come out great!
Ian York10-Nov-2007 10:09
was there a smell bit as well? .....
Guest 09-Nov-2007 23:24
Love the use of selective colour,Nicky!
Carolyn Rasmussen09-Nov-2007 13:20
This is very appealing!! I love it. V
Dave Wixx09-Nov-2007 04:34
Excellent post processing. Love the selective colour and 'grain'.
Guest 09-Nov-2007 02:47
How interesting though! V
Sheila09-Nov-2007 01:10
You can always find graffiti on glass bus shelters!
beverley harrison08-Nov-2007 20:28
you mean you did'nt etch it yourself? pml!!
Guest 08-Nov-2007 20:26
Very well done! I really like your artful treatment.
Zak08-Nov-2007 19:43
you found it difficult!? I ended up looking in bus shelters and only found 1 that had abit of graffiti in it!!
Máire Uí Mhaicín08-Nov-2007 19:09
Never mind the joking lot! I had a similar problem. Fair dues to diligent councils but I like the idea they have in Holland. see Maaike Huizer's entry today:
Lee Rudd08-Nov-2007 18:04
the writing is umm on the wall

btw, incredibly Basingstoke is the same... little obvious graffiti
J. Scott Coile08-Nov-2007 17:55
It transposes well on the brick in the background Nicky!
JW08-Nov-2007 17:42
LOL @ Ray! Excellent suburban shot!
Ray :)08-Nov-2007 17:24
Obviously a posh part of the world!
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