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Nicki Thurgar | all galleries >> photo_a_day_projects >> A Photo A Day... 2007! > 3 October - big web
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3 October - big web

The blue background is from the kids' slide! And I had to resort to my water sprayer
to get the droplets coz I shot the webs too late!!

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Neil Horner05-Oct-2007 21:06
webtastic results ,v.
John Beck04-Oct-2007 10:23
Bet that spider just loved that!
Greg Harp04-Oct-2007 06:14
Love the work. I use a mister myself. :)
Guest 04-Oct-2007 00:22
Wild color! V
Guest 03-Oct-2007 17:19
Very creative shot. Nice work. V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography03-Oct-2007 17:04
Superb, Vote :)
Zak03-Oct-2007 16:55
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