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Nicki Thurgar | all galleries >> themes >> Spider Web Sparkles > 3 drops
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3 drops

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Tricia20-Dec-2006 14:18
This is lovely Nicky, one drop is good, but to get reflections in three - amazing! I love the blue too.
firstbrook20-Dec-2006 09:57
Very well done....
QUERIDO20-Dec-2006 07:41
very nice shot,vote
Dougie Young20-Dec-2006 06:58
WoW What a fantastic shot...:>oted
Ray :)20-Dec-2006 01:06
Oh Yes!!
Thierry Lucas19-Dec-2006 23:29
Excellent capture, Nicky.
Sheila19-Dec-2006 22:46
Love the denim blue! Gorgeous drop shot.
Neil Horner19-Dec-2006 22:45
WOW! stunning !! v.
JW19-Dec-2006 22:12
Is this some sort of inter-planetary photography? LOL

What an extraordinary shot. V
Silvia Roitman19-Dec-2006 20:01
Johnny JAG19-Dec-2006 19:52
Very good shot of your trellis ;-)
Guest 19-Dec-2006 19:13
So simple,so good.V
Victoria19-Dec-2006 19:02
What an excellent drops with brilliant background , cheers
J. Scott Coile19-Dec-2006 17:02
So perfect with that BLUE background.
Jessica McCollum19-Dec-2006 15:56
Gorgeous! Love the reflections!
beverley harrison19-Dec-2006 14:24
gorgeous shot nicky, i love the frost!!
Arno Meintjes Wildlife19-Dec-2006 13:58
Fantastic detail. V.
Guest 19-Dec-2006 13:50
Eric Carrère19-Dec-2006 13:49
Love this shot Nicky, V :o)
Carole Stevens19-Dec-2006 13:32
Just gorgeous Nicky a archway in every drop beautifully captured!
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