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Nicki Thurgar | all galleries >> themes >> Spider Web Sparkles > B&W web & spider
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B&W web & spider

Canon PowerShot Pro 1
1/800s f/4.0 at 20.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 16-May-2006 18:41
One of the very best b/w images I have seen. A one-of-a-kind shot. In fact, I have just finished reading "the very busy spider" 5 times to my little girl, so I was drawn to it right away.
Guest 12-Jan-2006 19:47
Great spider web shot! Very well done!
Guest 26-Sep-2005 19:21
Nicky, I first came across this in the forum and I immediatly thought brilliant. Shooting the web backlit was not only a superb idea, but seeing the potential in black and white is a mark of a genius! Voted, voted, voted...
Guest 21-Sep-2005 04:12
very creative!!!
NC Turner01-Sep-2005 19:14
very nice! Good use of light / contrast!

- Greg
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