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challenge..stepping over the line sp

Ray has the list of names of those who participated..

Canon EOS 350D
1/250s f/6.3 at 180.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
dane13-Dec-2007 15:52
thought provoking... V
Giancarlo Guzzardi11-Sep-2007 07:39
beautiful strange composition and colors
Guest 12-Oct-2006 00:56
very intriquing-
Greg Harp04-Oct-2006 21:29
Excellent, my compliments! V
Ana Carloto O'Shea04-Oct-2006 06:26
Loooool So you don't just shoot them, you make them yourself!!!
Di02-Oct-2006 12:07
You were just looking for an excuse, huh? You hoodlum! Very creative SP, Roe. V
FairEnigma01-Oct-2006 05:26
It has ALL my Favorite Colors in it! Big V0TE!
Sue Robertson30-Sep-2006 06:12
Lots of texture. Great image.
AL30-Sep-2006 03:09
Fantastic texture and color. Another great side of your talent :-)
jude30-Sep-2006 02:32
Someone needs a spanking!
um.. you're not supposed to be HAPPY about
Guest 29-Sep-2006 21:35
A true artist at work..v
J. Scott Coile29-Sep-2006 21:00
A winner for sure! VOTE. Added.
fred_il29-Sep-2006 19:44
My first impression was the same as JD!
Lee Rudd29-Sep-2006 19:23
ah the artwork!
Char29-Sep-2006 14:11
Terrific! GMV
George Christakos29-Sep-2006 12:05
Very nice photo Nicky. Great framing.
Barbara Heide29-Sep-2006 11:14
keep on going! it's great!
Guest 29-Sep-2006 10:50
laine8229-Sep-2006 10:37
Show us your tag then :>)
Karen Stuebing29-Sep-2006 10:37
So you're a grafitti artist as well. :) Love this photo.
Ray :)29-Sep-2006 10:26
I always sensed you had a spray can;-) And I think you would never have any difficulty in fitting into this challenge. Always good to see you at work :)
Thanks for the link too.
Guest 29-Sep-2006 10:09
So that was your secret: You actually MAKE these spooky decaying place! ;-)
Dan Chusid29-Sep-2006 06:23
Your secret is out.
Where's the rest of your 'bombing' crew?
: )
Guest 29-Sep-2006 03:37
The artist and her art.
Fantastic sp.
LOL even your spray can has rust on it. V
Bob Floyd29-Sep-2006 03:02
Wow...somehow I missed this Roe. Such cool places you find for photos. I think walking around for a day with you would be very interesting. Another great one!
shatterbug29-Sep-2006 02:54
Lol, creating your own decay now? Stepping over to the dark side! Great shot! V.
De'Carr Studio29-Sep-2006 02:38
This is great...Wonderful treatment, Roe. Vote
Guest 29-Sep-2006 02:36
Wow! well composed with the kind of door on the left side, very creative. And it's nice to see you!
Guest 29-Sep-2006 02:23
This is really good, showing the artist at work. Gotta love the rust on the spray can.