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Blue Pitta

Blue Pitta (Male) Pitta cyanea size: 24
Male: blue upperparts and flame-orange hindcrown and nape. Forecrown usually dull pale olive. Prominent black eye line and moustache. Underparts washed pale blue-gray, with fine black spots and bars.
Voice: a liquid "pleoow-whit", more drawn-out than similar call of Rusty-naped Pitta, the first note having a sliding quality, the last note sharp. Sometimes gives a more truncated version, "priaw-pit". Also a rasping, squeaky skyeew in alarm.
Habitat: evergreen forest, bamboo and the moister mix decidous forests from plains to 1500 m. Fairly common resident.

*Lekagul, B. and Round,P., A guide to the Birds of Thailand, 1991
Blue Pitta
Blue Pitta
Blue Pitta
Blue Pitta
Blue Pitta
Blue Pitta
Blue Pitta
Blue Pitta