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lang nguyen | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> TET XUAN AT DAU MONTREAL JAN 30 , 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Celebration " year of the Rooster " in Montreal 2005 It is a beautiful morning the day we celebrate the Vietnamese New Year, the skies are so clear and warm I have a great feeling of spring ,even we are in the middle of winter time in Montreal. On the way to Stade Olympic,where the celebration will be held,I keep thinking about how and where to get the feeling of the New Year even it was already gone for a long time.To capture these feeling I think we have to look very closely with some imagination. A child with a traditional Vietnamese dress,a smile of beautiful lady, a loving care of a mother for her child and a happy face of an old man these are the images of New Year. " Ao Dai " the traditional Vietnamese dresses are so colorful and beauty and the only time we can see them in a whole year. I also add a pink and yellow cherry blossom blurring around the pictures to emphasize the spring time, the season of celebration. Anyone interesting in these pictures feel free to download. Best wishes to everyone " year of the Rooster "
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