For my birthday I happened to be on the job site and did organize simple celebration. Locally, distilled spirits were available for a price. The guys from the mess hall secured the sandwiches. The pictures were done in my room. Because it was not big enough, the guys were coming and going.
Hi I was in Shedgum 78/79 with Foster Wheeler. Remember the local spirits, I seem to recall the name "sediki", proper falling down stuff. Paul
George Hopkins
25-Aug-2008 20:33
These pictures really bring back memories. This looks like a 24 man dorm, one like I was in. In fact having looked at many of your pictures and your time in Saudi I believe we had many very similar experiences. I was at Shedgum from 1977 to Oct. 1979 when we blew steam from the SAPL built Utility plant. Then between 1983 and 1985 I was at Al-Jubail for REF1 Petromin Shell Refinery construction. Finally, I was in Al-Khobar for the Abqaiq Refinery DCS upgrade project between 1992 and 1996. In all that time I saw many wonderful places and had some great R&R's all over the world. A place I kept coming back to time and again, my favorite, was Rhodes. Your pictures bring back fond memories.
Thank you for sharing them. It would be nice to hear from you.