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Paula Krugerud | all galleries >> Galleries >> Montana Mining Ghost Towns - Spirits and Remnants > Come on in, neighbor...
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Come on in, neighbor...

have a seat. I put a pot of coffee on to perk...

"I have been waiting for an opportunity to send a letter to Salt Lake or I should have written
before. We have to pay a dollar for sending or receiving each letter. I tasted butter for the
first time since we came here and it was a treat I can assure you, but as long as it is ten and
twelve shillings a pound I think we shall do without it most of the time. Everything is very
high here. Sugar is 75 cents a pound, pork sixty, flour from twenty five to thirty, nutmegs
50 cents an ounce."
"We had extremely cold weather here the week before last. The mercury in the thermometers after
going forty degrees below zero froze in the bulb. I never knew such cold weather. I was so afraid that the children would freeze their noses or ears that I got up a number of times in the night
to see that their heads were covered. Their beds would be covered with frost."

Mary Edgerton, Winter 1863-64


Nikon D300
1/320s f/9.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Rick Bricker09-Jun-2012 21:00
Love Mary's letter....and your shot.I can almost feel the cold.The torn curtain in the door is great! V
Cindi Smith14-May-2010 14:05
Oh, the words fit the image! Well shot. I love this image and I could live there with some electricity!
settler13-May-2010 21:29
You photograph these past moments..BV!
Guest 13-May-2010 19:14
Wow Paula, that letter is so neat... How spoiled we have become, and how we take our lives for granted. Love you Leslie
Guest 13-May-2010 19:13
Excellent image, and a fun bit of history. Well done, Paula. V
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