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Voodoo in Togo and Benin, West Africa, 2

This gallery is an addition to my gallery “Voodoo in Benin and Togo, West Africa”. In this gallery there are pictures of a voodoo procession, the fetish market in Lomé, the Sacred Forest in Ouidah and the powerful fetish of Dankoly, where you can not only ask the voodoo gods to grant your wishes for good things, but where you can also curse someone. Pilgrims come here from far, pray and make sacrifices of goats and chickens to their Vodun, if their wishes have been fulfilled. But most of the pictures were taken at a trance ceremony at Houndjohoundji, near Grand Popo. Here the voodoo priest had been to Senegal for some weeks. Now, after his return, he has to reactivate his fetishes. This is done by sacrifices (that had already taken place in the morning) and an invocation of the spirits by a trance dance.
Further information in German on our homepage. Click Have a full preview of my book (120 pages) Christa Neuenhofer, TOGO AND BENIN: HOMELANDS OF VOODOO (look below). The book has also been edited in German:Christa Neuenhofer, TOGO UND BENIN, DIE HEIMAT DES VOODOO (look below).
By Neuenhofer, Christa
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And you can have a look at my book about voodoo in Ghana too:
GHANA, Fetish Priests, Witch Camps and Funeral Rites by Christa Neuenhofer | Make Your Own Book
Voodoo priest leading a religious procession.
Voodoo priest leading a religious procession.
Voodoo procession after a successful ceremony.
Voodoo procession after a successful ceremony.
Members of the Voodoo procession.
Members of the Voodoo procession.
Voodoo. Mother who carries a small figure on her belly indicating that she had twins and one of them died.
Voodoo. Mother who carries a small figure on her belly indicating that she had twins and one of them died.
The voodoo fetish market in Lomé.
The voodoo fetish market in Lomé.
Hyanas in the voodoo fetish market in Lomé.
Hyanas in the voodoo fetish market in Lomé.
Crocodile heads in the voodoo fetish market in Lomé.
Crocodile heads in the voodoo fetish market in Lomé.
Sharks in the voodoo fetish market in Lomé.
Sharks in the voodoo fetish market in Lomé.
Voodoo. Entrance to the Sacred Forest in Ouidah.
Voodoo. Entrance to the Sacred Forest in Ouidah.
Voodoo. Mawu Lisa, the god of creation, in the Sacred Forest of Ouidah.
Voodoo. Mawu Lisa, the god of creation, in the Sacred Forest of Ouidah.
In the Sacred Forest of Ouidah, Vodun Dan, the snake rainbow god. The serpent eating its own tail symbolizes the Circle of Life.
In the Sacred Forest of Ouidah, Vodun Dan, the snake rainbow god. The serpent eating its own tail symbolizes the Circle of Life.
Voodoo. Hebiosso, the dangerous god of thunder, in the Sacred Forest of Ouidah.
Voodoo. Hebiosso, the dangerous god of thunder, in the Sacred Forest of Ouidah.
Voodoo. The Vodun of Dankoly in Benin. Here pilgrims have planted thousands of wooden pegs.
Voodoo. The Vodun of Dankoly in Benin. Here pilgrims have planted thousands of wooden pegs.
Dankoly. Each peg symbolizes a pilgrim´s wish to the Vodun and the promise to return with a sacrifice, if the wish is fulfilled.
Dankoly. Each peg symbolizes a pilgrim´s wish to the Vodun and the promise to return with a sacrifice, if the wish is fulfilled.
Voodoo. If the wish comes true, the pilgrims return to Dankoly and sacrifice the animal that they had promised the Vodun
Voodoo. If the wish comes true, the pilgrims return to Dankoly and sacrifice the animal that they had promised the Vodun
Voodoo. Dankoly. When the pegs are in the ground, palm oil and alcohol are poured over them.
Voodoo. Dankoly. When the pegs are in the ground, palm oil and alcohol are poured over them.
Houndjohoundji. Voodoo priest and his fetishes that shall get new power through a trance dance.
Houndjohoundji. Voodoo priest and his fetishes that shall get new power through a trance dance.
In the voodoo temple of Houndjohoundji, vodun for Ogun, the god of war.
In the voodoo temple of Houndjohoundji, vodun for Ogun, the god of war.
Voodoo. Sakpata, the god of smallpox, in the voodoo temple in Houndjohoundji.
Voodoo. Sakpata, the god of smallpox, in the voodoo temple in Houndjohoundji.
Voodoo. Vodun at Houndjohoundji smoking a pipe.
Voodoo. Vodun at Houndjohoundji smoking a pipe.
Voodoo. Another smoking vodun.
Voodoo. Another smoking vodun.
Voodoo. Voduns at Houndjohoundji.
Voodoo. Voduns at Houndjohoundji.
Voodoo. Vodun at Houndjohoundji.
Voodoo. Vodun at Houndjohoundji.
Voodoo. Fetishes used for the trance dance at Houndjohoundji.
Voodoo. Fetishes used for the trance dance at Houndjohoundji.
Further voodoo fetishes - one with cigarette - for the trance ceremony.
Further voodoo fetishes - one with cigarette - for the trance ceremony.
Voodoo. Smoking fetish.
Voodoo. Smoking fetish.
Assistant of the voodoo priest.
Assistant of the voodoo priest.
Voodoo. Some of the musicians for the trance dance.
Voodoo. Some of the musicians for the trance dance.
Voodoo. Houndjohoundji, the beginning of the trance dance.
Voodoo. Houndjohoundji, the beginning of the trance dance.
Voodoo. Houndjohoundji, the first person that goes into a trance.
Voodoo. Houndjohoundji, the first person that goes into a trance.
Voodoo. Houndjohoundji, man in trance.
Voodoo. Houndjohoundji, man in trance.
Voodoo. White powder is put in the faces of those in trance.
Voodoo. White powder is put in the faces of those in trance.
Voodoo. Woman in trance.
Voodoo. Woman in trance.
Voodoo. Woman in trance.
Voodoo. Woman in trance.
Voodoo. Woman having just gone into trance.
Voodoo. Woman having just gone into trance.
Voodoo. Another man in trance, here also blue powder is put in the face.
Voodoo. Another man in trance, here also blue powder is put in the face.
Voodoo. Woman in trance.
Voodoo. Woman in trance.
Voodoo. Woman in trance.
Voodoo. Woman in trance.
Voodoo. Trance dancers.
Voodoo. Trance dancers.