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Voodoo in Benin and Togo, West Africa

In April 2009 we made a tour to Togo and Benin in West Africa. Our goal was to learn about voodoo in these two states, because this is the region where voodoo originated. We know and realized that it is something very different from what people from western countries have in mind, when they think of voodoo (magic dolls to harm someone and things like that).
Voodoo (or vodoun or vodun) is a religion, and in Benin it was formally recognized as an official religion in 1996 with a “National Voodoo Day”, a public holiday, on 10th January.
Nevertheless it is not a religion like any other. Most of the voodoo priests are healers, but they also predict things (concerning pregnancies or if people want help for difficult decisions) and sometimes they can also help to take revenge. What is also different is that the priests always sacrifice alcohol (“Schnapps”) and palm oil, which is poured over the fetishes or the images of the gods. In more complicated cases also animals are sacrificed (chickens, goats). Then the blood is poured over fetishes and gods. The priests are directly paid by the people.
Further information in German on our homepage. Click
Have a full preview of my book (120 pages) Christa Neuenhofer, TOGO AND BENIN: HOMELANDS OF VOODOO (look below). The book has also been edited in German:Christa Neuenhofer, TOGO UND BENIN, DIE HEIMAT DES VOODOO (look below).
By Neuenhofer, Christa
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And you can have a look at my book about voodoo in Ghana too:
GHANA, Fetish Priests, Witch Camps and Funeral Rites by Christa Neuenhofer | Make Your Own Book
Voodoo in Togo and Benin (la sorcière = the witch).
Voodoo in Togo and Benin (la sorcière = the witch).
Aholu, god of the earth, in a voodoo temple in Togoville.
Aholu, god of the earth, in a voodoo temple in Togoville.
Voodoo. Aholu, god of the earth, Togoville.
Voodoo. Aholu, god of the earth, Togoville.
Voodoo. Wife of Egu, the god of war, Togoville.
Voodoo. Wife of Egu, the god of war, Togoville.
In Kpalimé. Temple of the voodoo priest François.
In Kpalimé. Temple of the voodoo priest François.
Voodoo. François using a frog for a voodoo ceremony.
Voodoo. François using a frog for a voodoo ceremony.
Fetish in the voodoo priest´s temple in Kpalimé.
Fetish in the voodoo priest´s temple in Kpalimé.
Voodoo. Ayza, a protector, helps against theft. In François´ temple in Kpalimé.
Voodoo. Ayza, a protector, helps against theft. In François´ temple in Kpalimé.
Old voodoo priest in Togo.
Old voodoo priest in Togo.
Inside the mall temple of the old voodoo priest.
Inside the mall temple of the old voodoo priest.
Voodoo priest in Abomey doing okpele ifá oracle.
Voodoo priest in Abomey doing okpele ifá oracle.
Voodoo. Part of the okpele ifá oracle in Abomey.
Voodoo. Part of the okpele ifá oracle in Abomey.
Voodoo. Okpele ifá oracle.
Voodoo. Okpele ifá oracle.
Voodoo priest doing okpele ifá oracle.
Voodoo priest doing okpele ifá oracle.
Voodoo priest in Abomey during a healing ceremony.
Voodoo priest in Abomey during a healing ceremony.
Fetish at a voodoo priest´s house in Abomey.
Fetish at a voodoo priest´s house in Abomey.
Fetish at a voodoo priest´s house in Abomey.
Fetish at a voodoo priest´s house in Abomey.
Voodoo. Hebiosso, the dangerous god of thunder, near Abomey.
Voodoo. Hebiosso, the dangerous god of thunder, near Abomey.
Voodoo. Hebiosso the god of thunder.
Voodoo. Hebiosso the god of thunder.
Fetish in a voodoo priest´s temple near Abomey.
Fetish in a voodoo priest´s temple near Abomey.
Fetish in a voodoo priest´s temple near Abomey.
Fetish in a voodoo priest´s temple near Abomey.
Voodoo. Another incarnation of Mami Wata.
Voodoo. Another "incarnation" of Mami Wata.
Legba in front of a voodoo priest´s house in Ouidah.
Legba in front of a voodoo priest´s house in Ouidah.
 Voodoo. Legba in the Sacred Forest in Possotomé. It especially helps women if they have problems during their pregnancy.
Voodoo. Legba in the Sacred Forest in Possotomé. It especially helps women if they have problems during their pregnancy.
Voodoo. Legba in a village near Possotomé.
Voodoo. Legba in a village near Possotomé.
Voodoo. Legba in a village near Possotomé.
Voodoo. Legba in a village near Possotomé.
Voodoo. Legba temple near Possotomé.
Voodoo. Legba temple near Possotomé.
Voodoo. Painting of Dan, the snake god, who is the bringer of life and fertility.
Voodoo. Painting of Dan, the snake god, who is the bringer of life and fertility.
Voodoo. Temple of Dan the serpent god near Abomey.
Voodoo. Temple of Dan the serpent god near Abomey.
Voodoo. Temple of Dan the serpent god near Abomey.
Voodoo. Temple of Dan the serpent god near Abomey.
Voodoo. Sacred shrine in the Python temple in Ouidah.
Voodoo. Sacred shrine in the Python temple in Ouidah.
Voodoo. The photographer with a sacred python.
Voodoo. The photographer with a sacred python.
Voodoo. Asen,  a metal pole with images from the life of a forefather, made in  honour of the ancestor.
Voodoo. Asen, a metal pole with images from the life of a forefather, made in honour of the ancestor.
Voodoo. Wall painting of Mami Wata in a village near Possotomé.
Voodoo. Wall painting of Mami Wata in a village near Possotomé.
Voodoo. Wall painting of a three-headed Mami Wata in Possotomé.
Voodoo. Wall painting of a three-headed Mami Wata in Possotomé.
Voodoo. Wall painting in Possotomé.
Voodoo. Wall painting in Possotomé.
Voodoo. Wall painting in Possotomé.
Voodoo. Wall painting in Possotomé.