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Christa Neuenhofer | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> TRIBES AND TRADITIONS IN ETHIOPIA tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


See also my gallery SURMA PEOPLE AT KIBISH, ETHIOPIA, a tribe in southwestern Ethiopia,where scarification is quite common and where the women still wear lip plates that are up to sixteen inches:

Have a preview of my complete book about Ethiopia (130 pages with lots of photos). The texts in the book are in German. If you do not speak German, just enjoy the photos!

ÄTHIOPIEN by Christa Neuenhofer | Make Your Own Book
Komo tribals sharing a communal meal. Ethiopia.
Komo tribals sharing a communal meal. Ethiopia.
Komo village Yabeldigise. Ethiopia.
Komo village Yabeldigise. Ethiopia.
Mao hut in Shigogo-Gedashola. Ethiopia.
Mao hut in Shigogo-Gedashola. Ethiopia.
Mao hut in Shigogo-Gedashola. Ethiopia.
Mao hut in Shigogo-Gedashola. Ethiopia.
Benji hut in Tamaya. Ethiopia.
Benji hut in Tamaya. Ethiopia.
Benji hut with wall paintings. Ethiopia.
Benji hut with wall paintings. Ethiopia.
Berta village Bame-Sherqole. Ethiopia.
Berta village Bame-Sherqole. Ethiopia.
Berta village Bame-Sherqole. Ethiopia.
Berta village Bame-Sherqole. Ethiopia.
Modern meets tradition in the Berta village Bame-Sherqole. Ethiopia.
Modern meets tradition in the Berta village Bame-Sherqole. Ethiopia.
Modern meets tradition in the Berta village Bame-Sherqole. Ethiopia.
Modern meets tradition in the Berta village Bame-Sherqole. Ethiopia.
Funeral ceremony in the Gumuz village Dechegrre. Ethiopia.
Funeral ceremony in the Gumuz village Dechegrre. Ethiopia.
Scarification as beautification. Gumuz woman in Dechegrre. Ethiopia.
Scarification as beautification. Gumuz woman in Dechegrre. Ethiopia.
Scarification as beautification. Gumuz woman in Dechegrre. Ethiopia.
Scarification as beautification. Gumuz woman in Dechegrre. Ethiopia.
Amharic people in Yebab near Bahirdar have slaughtered a cow to celebrate the tenth wedding anniversary of a couple. Ethiopia
Amharic people in Yebab near Bahirdar have slaughtered a cow to celebrate the tenth wedding anniversary of a couple. Ethiopia
Amharic woman in Yebab near Bahirdar with tattoos. The cross on her forehead shows that she is a Christian. Ethiopia
Amharic woman in Yebab near Bahirdar with tattoos. The cross on her forehead shows that she is a Christian. Ethiopia
Amharic woman in Yebab near Bahirdar with tattoos on her face and neck. Ethiopia.
Amharic woman in Yebab near Bahirdar with tattoos on her face and neck. Ethiopia.
Oromo girl.
Oromo girl.
Amhara settlement in Lalibela. Ethiopia. Now most of the people have moved to modern houses.
Amhara settlement in Lalibela. Ethiopia. Now most of the people have moved to modern houses.
Traditional healer in Lalibela. Ethiopia.
Traditional healer in Lalibela. Ethiopia.
Ethiopian farmer cutting teff, a fine grain, about the size of a poppy seed. Teff flour is used to make the national dish injera
Ethiopian farmer cutting teff, a fine grain, about the size of a poppy seed. Teff flour is used to make the national dish injera
Traditional beekeeping in  trees. Ethiopia.
Traditional beekeeping in trees. Ethiopia.
Traditional beekeeping in trees.  Ethiopia.
Traditional beekeeping in trees. Ethiopia.
Traditional beekeeping in trees.  Ethiopia.
Traditional beekeeping in trees. Ethiopia.
An Oromo wedding.  Ethiopia.
An Oromo wedding. Ethiopia.
Decorated horses at an Oromo wedding.  Ethiopia.
Decorated horses at an Oromo wedding. Ethiopia.
An Amharic orthodox Christian wedding in Gondar.  Ethiopia.
An Amharic orthodox Christian wedding in Gondar. Ethiopia.
Decorated horses at an Amharic orthodox Christian wedding in Gondar.  Ethiopia.
Decorated horses at an Amharic orthodox Christian wedding in Gondar. Ethiopia.
Gold digger in Sherqole. Ethiopia.
Gold digger in Sherqole. Ethiopia.
Gold digger in Sherqole. Ethiopia.
Gold digger in Sherqole. Ethiopia.
Gold mine shaft in Sherqole. Ethiopia. Only children or small woman can climb down here and crawl into a gallery.
Gold mine shaft in Sherqole. Ethiopia. Only children or small woman can climb down here and crawl into a gallery.