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Christa Neuenhofer | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Impressions from Burkina Faso tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Impressions from Burkina Faso

When travelling through rural Burkina Faso, you get the impression that not much has changed in the last 50 years. People do no longer wear traditional clothes, but in the villages life goes on as always. There is no electricity and water has still to be fetched from a well. And even the tin roofs that can be seen in other African states have not yet replaced the traditional straw roofs – not because the Burkinabé realized that the climate is better under a straw roof, but because the villagers are generally so poor that they cannot even afford a tin roof. (Burkina Faso has one of the lowest GDP per capita figures in the world.) Another thing that strikes the visitor is the fact that whenever you come into a compound or village, there are always lots of children who either accompany the visitor or work for their parents. But this means that they do not attend any school. The UN Development Program Report ranks Burkina Faso as the country with the lowest level of literacy in the world. Only 21.8% over 15 can read and write (male 29.4%, female 15.2%).
One further aspect to mention is that polygamy is still very popular in Burkina Faso. It is quite common that one man has got four or five wives and therefore sometimes more than twenty children.
I published two further photo galleries about Burkina Faso: “Healers, soothsayers and magic places in Burkina Faso” (the same gallery in French: "Guérisseurs, devins et féticheurs et des places magiques ŕ Burkina Faso" ) and Gold Mining in Burkina Faso

Have a preview of my complete book about Burkina Faso (172 pages with 300 photos). The texts in the book are in German. If you do not speak German, just enjoy the photos!

Burkina Faso by Christa Neuenhofer | Make Your Own Book
Granaries and huts of Karaboro village Wolokonto, Burkina Faso
Granaries and huts of Karaboro village Wolokonto, Burkina Faso
Senufo village Lera, Burkina Faso
Senufo village Lera, Burkina Faso
Granaries of a Turka village near Douna, Burkina Faso
Granaries of a Turka village near Douna, Burkina Faso
In the Turka village Niofila, Burkina Faso
In the Turka village Niofila, Burkina Faso
Granaries of a Mossi village near Manega, Burkina Faso
Granaries of a Mossi village near Manega, Burkina Faso
Lobi house, Burkina Faso
Lobi house, Burkina Faso
Inside a Lobi house. Room of the first wife, Burkina Faso
Inside a Lobi house. Room of the first wife, Burkina Faso
Grave of the first king of Tiébélé in front of the royal compound, Burkina Faso
Grave of the first king of Tiébélé in front of the royal compound, Burkina Faso
In the royal compound of the Kassena (Gurunsi) village of Tiébélé, Burkina Faso
In the royal compound of the Kassena (Gurunsi) village of Tiébélé, Burkina Faso
In the royal compound of the Kassena (Gurunsi) village of Tiébélé, Burkina FasoJPG
In the royal compound of the Kassena (Gurunsi) village of Tiébélé, Burkina FasoJPG
In the royal compound of the Kassena (Gurunsi) village of Tiébélé, Burkina FasoJPG
In the royal compound of the Kassena (Gurunsi) village of Tiébélé, Burkina FasoJPG
Troglodyte village of Niansogoni (Wara), Burkina Faso
Troglodyte village of Niansogoni (Wara), Burkina Faso
Clay containers for fetishes and masks in the troglodyte village of Niansogoni (Wara), Burkina Faso
Clay containers for fetishes and masks in the troglodyte village of Niansogoni (Wara), Burkina Faso
Pottery village Kawara (Griot), Burkina Faso
Pottery village Kawara (Griot), Burkina Faso
Pots are made by hand without the use of a wheel. Pottery village Sitiana, Burkina Faso
Pots are made by hand without the use of a wheel. Pottery village Sitiana, Burkina Faso
Handmade pots are decorated with colour and simple patterns made with corncobs. Pottery village Sitiana, Burkina Faso
Handmade pots are decorated with colour and simple patterns made with corncobs. Pottery village Sitiana, Burkina Faso
A unique way of making pottery in Bosemyan, Burkina Faso, region Centre-Sud, Province Bazéga (5 photos)
A unique way of making pottery in Bosemyan, Burkina Faso, region Centre-Sud, Province Bazéga (5 photos)
A unique way of making pottery in Bosemyan, Burkina Faso, region Centre-Sud, Province Bazéga (5 photos)
A unique way of making pottery in Bosemyan, Burkina Faso, region Centre-Sud, Province Bazéga (5 photos)
A unique way of making pottery in Bosemyan, Burkina Faso, region Centre-Sud, Province Bazéga (5 photos)
A unique way of making pottery in Bosemyan, Burkina Faso, region Centre-Sud, Province Bazéga (5 photos)
A unique way of making pottery in Bosemyan, Burkina Faso, region Centre-Sud, Province Bazéga (5 photos)
A unique way of making pottery in Bosemyan, Burkina Faso, region Centre-Sud, Province Bazéga (5 photos)
A unique way of making pottery in Bosemyan, Burkina Faso, region Centre-Sud, Province Bazéga (5 photos)
A unique way of making pottery in Bosemyan, Burkina Faso, region Centre-Sud, Province Bazéga (5 photos)
On the way to the market, Burkina Faso
On the way to the market, Burkina Faso
Heavy clay pots and the baby are carried many kilometres to the next market, Burkina Faso
Heavy clay pots and the baby are carried many kilometres to the next market, Burkina Faso
On the way to the market, Burkina Faso
On the way to the market, Burkina Faso
Local market in Burkina Faso
Local market in Burkina Faso
Mother with baby in a market, Burkina Faso
Mother with baby in a market, Burkina Faso
Women try to sell their fruit through car windows, Burkina Faso
Women try to sell their fruit through car windows, Burkina Faso
Mother doing housework while carrying her baby, Burkina Faso
Mother doing housework while carrying her baby, Burkina Faso
Girls threshing millet by pounding the grains, Burkina Faso
Girls threshing millet by pounding the grains, Burkina Faso
Girls winnowing millet , Burkina Faso
Girls winnowing millet , Burkina Faso
Preparation of millet beer, Burkina Faso
Preparation of millet beer, Burkina Faso
Preparation of millet beer, Burkina Faso
Preparation of millet beer, Burkina Faso
Preparation of millet beer, Burkina Faso
Preparation of millet beer, Burkina Faso
Toddy tapper, Burkina Faso
Toddy tapper, Burkina Faso
Toddy tapper, Burkina Faso
Toddy tapper, Burkina Faso
Traditional beehive in Burkina Faso
Traditional beehive in Burkina Faso
Traditional beehive in Burkina Faso
Traditional beehive in Burkina Faso
Traditional beehive in Burkina Faso
Traditional beehive in Burkina Faso
Donkey carts carrying firewood, Burkina Faso
Donkey carts carrying firewood, Burkina Faso
Donkey cart carrying firewood, Burkina Faso
Donkey cart carrying firewood, Burkina Faso
Transport of sheep and chickens on a motorbike, Burkina Faso
Transport of sheep and chickens on a motorbike, Burkina Faso
Mother and her baby on a motorbike, Burkina Faso
Mother and her baby on a motorbike, Burkina Faso
Transport of people and chickens, Burkina Faso
Transport of people and chickens, Burkina Faso
Public transport, Burkina Faso
Public transport, Burkina Faso
Hairstyle designed with the help of wool and wires, Burkina Faso
Hairstyle designed with the help of wool and wires, Burkina Faso
Fancy hairstyle of a little girl in Burkina Faso
Fancy hairstyle of a little girl in Burkina Faso
Fancy hairstyle of a girl in Burkina Faso
Fancy hairstyle of a girl in Burkina Faso
Fancy hairstyle, Burkina Faso
Fancy hairstyle, Burkina Faso
Scars identify this man as member of the Bobo tribe in Bana village, Burkina Faso
Scars identify this man as member of the Bobo tribe in Bana village, Burkina Faso
Lobi woman wearing the traditional small wooden disc above her upper lip, Burkina Faso
Lobi woman wearing the traditional small wooden disc above her upper lip, Burkina Faso
Mossi ladies with tattoos in Kumbili, Burkina Faso
Mossi ladies with tattoos in Kumbili, Burkina Faso
Traditional dance, Burkina Faso
Traditional dance, Burkina Faso
Farmers put their cotton on cloths. Later the cotton will be transported by trucks. Burkina Faso
Farmers put their cotton on cloths. Later the cotton will be transported by trucks. Burkina Faso
Old mosque of Kombissiri, Burkina Faso
Old mosque of Kombissiri, Burkina Faso
Mosque of Bobo-Dioulasso (Sudanese mud architecture, built 1880), Burkina Faso
Mosque of Bobo-Dioulasso (Sudanese mud architecture, built 1880), Burkina Faso
Sacred Baobab in Toumousseni, Burkina Faso
Sacred Baobab in Toumousseni, Burkina Faso
Old Baobab near Manega, Burkina Faso
Old Baobab near Manega, Burkina Faso
The Peaks of Sindou, southwestern Burkina Faso
The Peaks of Sindou, southwestern Burkina Faso
The Peaks of Sindou, southwestern Burkina Faso
The Peaks of Sindou, southwestern Burkina Faso
Rocks of Douna, where people took refuge in 12 caves during tribal wars, Burkina Faso
Rocks of Douna, where people took refuge in 12 caves during tribal wars, Burkina Faso
Rocks of Douna, Burkina Faso
Rocks of Douna, Burkina Faso
Paddy fields in the southwest of Burkina Faso during dry season
Paddy fields in the southwest of Burkina Faso during dry season
Paddy fields, Boulgou Province, Burkina Faso, provided with water from the Balgré dam.
Paddy fields, Boulgou Province, Burkina Faso, provided with water from the Balgré dam.
Paddy fields, Boulgou Province, Burkina Faso, provided with water from the Balgré dam.
Paddy fields, Boulgou Province, Burkina Faso, provided with water from the Balgré dam.
Paddy fields, Boulgou Province, Burkina Faso, provided with water from the Balgré dam.
Paddy fields, Boulgou Province, Burkina Faso, provided with water from the Balgré dam.