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KenP | profile | all galleries >> b_f >> 1700_block tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
January mostly painted
January mostly painted
watching painters
watching painters
sample patch
sample patch
new countertops and backsplash
new countertops and backsplash
new countertops and backsplash
new countertops and backsplash
new countertops and backsplash
new countertops and backsplash
countertops before 1
countertops "before" 1
countertops before 2
countertops "before" 2
Stovetop countertops before
Stovetop countertops "before"
countertops removed
countertops "removed"
countertops all removed
countertops all "removed"
countertops all removed
countertops all "removed"
countertops new install
countertops new install
countertops new install
countertops new install
countertops new install
countertops new install
countertops new install
countertops new install
pattern in new countertop with reflections
pattern in new countertop with reflections
pattern in new countertop
pattern in new countertop
pattern in new countertop with tools for perspective
pattern in new countertop with tools for perspective