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30-APR-2007 Nestor Derkach

American Goldfinch Female on Pink Dogwood tree.

Leaving for the White Mountains of Bethel Maine tomorrow morning to see the splender of autumns colors .
A trip by car of around 550 miles, but a beautiful scenic ride .
See you all in about two weeks.
Thanks for your kind wonderful comments and votes.
You are very nice poeple.

For best resolution view in original.

Nikon D80 ,Nikkor 300mm f/4 ED-IF AF-S
1/640s f/6.3 at 300.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Sandi Whitteker30-Oct-2007 19:08
Very nice closeup. Love the color and detail! V
Debbie Blackburn Beierle13-Oct-2007 05:21
What a wonderful pose in such a lovely setting. Beautiful in every way. V
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik04-Oct-2007 02:16
Lovely pose and beautiful colors! S&L
Guest 02-Oct-2007 21:25
He's studying yoy! Captured at the right moment and beautifully composed as always.
Guest 01-Oct-2007 16:20
Very nice shot
Pixel Shooter01-Oct-2007 14:38
Fantastic job Nestor, catchlight makes the shot, beautiful detail and color ~V
Gus Rosenfeld01-Oct-2007 06:35
Beautiful Nestor, and perfect setting. g
Peter Stahl30-Sep-2007 02:42
Hope you have a great trip. Luv his expression.GMV.
Richard Calmes29-Sep-2007 18:59
This is a beauty! V++
Apostolos Tikopoulos29-Sep-2007 17:54
Great shot , excellent details. V.
Guest 29-Sep-2007 11:07
Wonderful capture Nestor and what an expressive look from that bird. I have to ask; Where you talking to him/her as you shot? It looks it. V
edwina beaumont28-Sep-2007 18:20
lovely delicat picture. Have a happy trip
NealyBob28-Sep-2007 02:41
Very beautiful photo of this Goldfinch! The lighting and color are perfect~! V
Tom Munson27-Sep-2007 15:26
Great shot in this lovely setting Nestor. V
Simon Chandler27-Sep-2007 06:47
This is a wow bird image. The composition is so beautiful. The subject is captured in a beautiful and colorful manner Excellent work. v
Debbie Blackburn Beierle27-Sep-2007 05:39
Oh! This is gorgeous! What a beautiful setting. Perfect DoF. V
Andrew Vincent26-Sep-2007 23:45
That is nice to hear from one of the nicest!

Beautiful capture Nestor! I feel I have a connection with this lovely bird, her tilt of her head and body language is perfect! Excellent light and love the flowers. HUGE VOTE!

Have a great trip my friend!
veraferia26-Sep-2007 23:44
He is enjoying your camera!
Wonderful composition with the flowers!V
Guest 26-Sep-2007 23:10
A fine catch, Nestor. Have a good, safe trip. ~V~
Jay Levin26-Sep-2007 21:14
Beautiful shot, Nestor. The setting is very lovely. Enjoy your trip and bring back lots of great photos. Vote
olivier bruning26-Sep-2007 21:08
hi there, beautiful fella! ( I mean the bird Nestor) ~V~
Carol Rollins26-Sep-2007 19:48
Hi Nestor, this is a wonderful capture; with the focus on the bird and the flowers in the bg! A beautiful image. V.

Have a wonderful trip and will look forward to all your new, beautiful images upon your return.
silvia marmori26-Sep-2007 14:51
lovely beautiful model, so well captured in a good composition and great dof!!
have a great time, Nestor.. enjoy and shoot all autumn possible, to may share with us!!
Jola Dziubinska26-Sep-2007 14:37
This is really an outstanding photo, Nestor. Fantastic light, details, colors, congratulations and vote.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography26-Sep-2007 14:32
Very beautiful image and of highest quality, Vote.
Marcia Colelli26-Sep-2007 14:28
wonderful capture of the little golden finch V
Yiannis Pavlis26-Sep-2007 13:40
Wonderful capture, I love the color on the bird and the stunning clarity you have achieved. Great DOF and composition. Excellent work .V
Guest 26-Sep-2007 12:48
a beautiful image ,he likes you and the dof and background are wonderful too, wish you a pleasant time and gorgeous views in autumn colours, when you are back I will be gone and be back in november , so take care and behave yourself when I am gone.
Guest 26-Sep-2007 12:15
Beautiful shot! v.
Gerard Koehl26-Sep-2007 11:53
Wow... il pose pour toi. Magnifique capture. V
mario .n26-Sep-2007 11:28
Superb Nestor ! V
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