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Nestor Derkach | all galleries >> Galleries >> NEW ENGLAND STATES > Benneth Bean 1889- Maine.
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03-OCT-2007 Nestor Derkach

Benneth Bean 1889- Maine.


other sizes: small medium large original auto
Marcia Colelli19-Oct-2012 23:39
Beautiful capture of the lovely covered bridge V
Jean D18-Oct-2011 23:48
Beautiful fall country scene, Nestor. ~V
shatterbug15-Oct-2011 07:43
Beautifully exposed to catch the detail in the sky...great Fall colors!
Guest 13-Oct-2011 16:55
This is really beautiful! A favorite. Just postcard perfect. V!
Chris Spracklen12-Oct-2011 22:39
A luscious autumnal scene, Nestor, superbly captured on your DX sensor. (V)
janescottcumming12-Oct-2011 19:03
Wonderful old covered bridge. Some nice color on the trees too. I like how there are some leaves on the road leading to the bridge. V
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